Reviews about employers: complaints, ratings
Total: 260799
Lietuvos Respublikos Vidaus reikalų ministerija, SE
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania is a government institution responsible for the implementation and coordination of state policy in the areas of public security, migration...
Kauno miesto savivaldybė | KAUNAS
Kaunas city municipality administration and its contacts. The mayor, the mayor's team, the administration.
Vilniaus miesto psichikos sveikatos centras, PE
The Vilnius City Mental Health Center is a public institution established by the Vilnius City Municipality. The center provides secondary level psychiatric inpatient, day inpatient, outpatient and psy...
Lietuvos nacionalinis operos ir baleto teatras, PE
in 1636 September 4 The first opera performance in Lithuania took place in the theater of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in the Lower Castle. Vilnius became one of the first European capit...
NDNT | Neįgalumo ir darbingumo nustatymo tarnyba, SE
Service for determination of disability and work capacity. The functions of the service are to help determine the level of incapacity and disability of applicants.
Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo kanceliarija | Seimas, SE
The Chancellery of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - the Chancellery of the Seimas) is a budgetary institution financed from the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania. The pur...
LINEŠA | Lietuvos neformaliojo švietimo agentūra
From 2023 September 1 the name of the Lithuanian students' non-formal education center was changed to the Lithuanian non-formal education agency. The abbreviated name of the agency is LINEŠA.
VERT | Valstybinė energetikos reguliavimo taryba, SE
The State Energy Regulatory Council is an independent national regulatory body within the meaning of European Union law, which regulates the activities of economic entities operating in the field of e...
LTSA | Lietuvos transporto saugos administracija, SE
LTSA started operating in 2017. December. After the reforms that merged the Lithuanian Safe Shipping Administration, the State Road Transport Inspectorate under the Ministry of Transport and the State...
Continental Autonomous Mobility Lithuania, JSC
Development of autonomous driving technologies.
Šalčininkų rajono savivaldybės administracija, SE
Šalčininkai District Municipality is an administrative-territorial unit in southeastern Lithuania, on the border with Belarus. Administrative center - Šalčininkai.
Jonavos Pirminės Sveikatos Priežiūros Centras, PE
Public institution Jonava primary health care center (hereinafter - Jonava PSPC) institution code 256739230, the institution is registered at Žeimių st. 19, LT-55134 Jonava in 1997 October 1
It is a ...
Vidaus reikalų ministerijos Medicinos centras, SE
To improve and continuously maintain the state of health of officials serving in internal affairs and other statutory institutions (hereinafter referred to as "officials"), which would meet the requir...
Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnyba prie LR VRM
The state institution that ensures the protection of the border of Lithuania.
Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės sveikatos centras, PE
The Šiauliai District Municipal Health Center is a public institution established based on the decision of the Šiauliai District Municipal Council to merge three previous health care institutions - th...
Respublikinė Vilniaus universitetinė ligoninė, PE
The Republican Vilnius University Hospital has been providing high-level surgical services to the residents of Lithuania for 30 years. Combining many years of experience and a wide range of competence...
Klaipėdos autobusų parkas | Klaipėdos paslaugos, JSC
"Klaipėda services" are services for our city.
"Klaipėda services" are services for our city in 2023. In May, UAB Klaipėdos autobusų parkas, which belongs to Klaipėda City Municipality, announced tha...
Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija | TOKS, JSC
The renewed TOKS features a modern, progressive logo. Our team's daily goal is to exceed expectations. We implement this task daily, on every request.
In cooperation with other national and internati...
Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras | FTMC, PE
The State Research Institute Physical and Technological Sciences Center (FTMC) is the largest research institution in Lithuania, carrying out unique research and technological development works in las...
Swedbank Life Insurance SE Lietuvos Filialas
The Lithuanian branch of Swedbank Life Insurance SE provides life insurance services and convenient access to distributed insurance products throughout the Swedbank network.