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Reviews about employers: complaints, ratings

Total: 260809

Nacionalinis M. K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus

Nacionalinis M. K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus, JSC

Having weathered the storms of history, the museum not only survived, but also preserved valuable exhibits of Lithuanian history. Today, the museum stores more than 355,000 works! The collections of t...
MTL CARTON | "Miko ir Tado leidyklos" spaustuvė

MTL CARTON | "Miko ir Tado leidyklos" spaustuvė, JSC

We are one of the most modern and fastest growing packaging printing companies in the entire Baltic region. Since 1997, we have accumulated a lot of experience, but we do not stop growing - the desire...
Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė

Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė, SE

Jurbarkas district municipality is an administrative-territorial unit in the southwestern part of Lithuania, on the right bank of the Nemunas. The center is Jurbarkas
Dainų pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centras

Dainų pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centras, PE

The public institution Dainai primary health care center provides free primary and secondary personal health care, which is regulated by the resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania ...
Lietuvos Respublikos generalinė prokuratūra

Lietuvos Respublikos generalinė prokuratūra

The Prosecutor's Office is a state institution that performs the functions specified in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on the Prosecutor's Office or other laws. The prosecutor'...
Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika

Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP

Sokrato clinic is a place where innovation is combined with knowledge to redefine the principles of beauty and wellness. Located in the modern business center Alia, Sokrato clinica can offer a compreh...
Amber Food | Charlie pizza | Katpėdėlė | La crepe

Amber Food | Charlie pizza | Katpėdėlė | La crepe, JSC

"The restaurant network includes: pizzeria "Charlie pizza", pancake house "La Crepe", Lithuanian cuisine restaurants "Katpėdėlė", bar areas in the arenas "Žalgiris", "Švyturios" and "Jonavas", seasona...
Raseinių rajono savivaldybė

Raseinių rajono savivaldybė, SE

Raseiniai district municipality is a budgetary institution. The purpose of the municipality is to help the residents of Raseiniai district in matters of concern to them.
Transportas ir logistika | Vytauto paslaugos

Transportas ir logistika | Vytauto paslaugos, JSC

We have been providing cargo transportation services for more than 20 years. The main field of activity is international cargo transportation. The directions of our transportation services cover all W...
Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lietuvos filialas

Swedbank P&C Insurance AS Lietuvos filialas

The non-life insurance company Swedbank P&C Insurance AS offers customers advanced insurance services throughout the Swedbank customer service network. The range of services of the non-life insurance ...
FNTT | Finansinių nusikaltimų tyrimo tarnyba

FNTT | Finansinių nusikaltimų tyrimo tarnyba, SE

In 1997 February 4 By the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania no. In 1990, the Tax Police Department was established under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the establishme...
Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba

Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba, SE

The State Food and Veterinary Service controls and ensures the quality of food in Lithuania.
Nacionalinė mokėjimo agentūra prie ŽŪM | NMA

Nacionalinė mokėjimo agentūra prie ŽŪM | NMA, SE

The National Payment Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter - NMA) is the only accredited institution in Lithuania that administers state support for agriculture and rural development a...
Tarptautinė Skubiosios Medicinos Akademija

Tarptautinė Skubiosios Medicinos Akademija, JSC

The company started its activities in 2011 as a consulting company. Currently, great attention is paid to the implementation of innovations and information systems in the fields of medicine and educat...
Vilnius Coding School | Programavimo mokykla

Vilnius Coding School | Programavimo mokykla, JSC

"Vilnius Coding School" is an international technology career school for adults. "Vilnius Coding School" is an international technology career school for adults. The school was founded in 2015. Septe...
Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centras

Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centras, PE

The Lithuanian Center for Agricultural and Forestry Sciences is a state research institute. The strategic goal of the center is to carry out scientific research and experimental development in the fie...
Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė

Šiauliai City Municipality is a budgetary institution whose goal is to help the people of Šiauliai in matters of concern, solve problems and provide a long-term strategy for the city of Šiauliai.
Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija

Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija, SE

Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate is a state-owned company, established in 1991. The company provides public services by operating the Klaipėda State Seaport and managing state-owned facilities in th...
Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija

Vilniaus technologijų ir dizaino kolegija, PE

Vilnius College of Technology and Design is a college of engineering sciences and arts. VTDK was formed in 2008. July 23 After connecting the Vilnius Technical College to the Vilnius Construction and ...
Pieno žvaigždės filialas Panevėžio pienas

Pieno žvaigždės filialas Panevėžio pienas, JSC

"Panevėžio Pienas" uab is a branch of AB "Pieno Žvaigždės" in Panevėžys that produces food products from milk.
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