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Total: 260809

Invest Lithuania | Investuok Lietuvoje

Invest Lithuania | Investuok Lietuvoje

VŠĮ „Investuok Lietuvoje“ is a non-profit foreign direct investment development agency and very often the first contact of global business representatives with Lithuania. Our goal is to contribute to...
Vilniaus rajono centrinė poliklinika

Vilniaus rajono centrinė poliklinika, PE

Polyclinic - a medical institution with many departments, which includes: 12 dispensaries located within a fifty-kilometer radius around Vilnius, four general practice (family) doctors' offices, three...
Plungės rajono savivaldybės ligoninė

Plungės rajono savivaldybės ligoninė, PE

In 1996 the Law on Healthcare Institutions was adopted, based on which budgetary healthcare institutions were reorganized into public ones. Yes, in 1997, the municipal council of Plungė district Augus...
Vilnius | Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

Vilnius | Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

Vilnius City Municipality Administration - the executive authority of Vilnius City Municipality. Implements the decisions of the Vilnius City Municipality Council.
Valstybinė teismo medicinos tarnyba

Valstybinė teismo medicinos tarnyba, SE

The State Forensic Medicine Service (VTMT) is a budgetary institution for personal health care of the Lithuanian national health system, which provides forensic medicine services in the field of perso...


Pagrindinė įmonės veikla – lentpjūvių įrengimų komplektavimas ir tiekimas.
Naftelf, Lietuvos ir Prancūzijos UAB

Naftelf, Lietuvos ir Prancūzijos UAB

Trade in aviation fuel and construction of aviation fuel storage facilities
Policijos departamentas prie LR VRM

Policijos departamentas prie LR VRM

The vision of the Lithuanian police is attractive, motivated and effective police for people and the State. The mission of the Lithuanian police is to effectively use the available resources to prote...
Akcinė draudimo bendrovė „Gjensidige"

Akcinė draudimo bendrovė „Gjensidige", SC

Gjensidige is one of the largest insurance groups in the Nordic countries, listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. 3,800 people work in the group's companies in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and the Baltic coun...
ERGO Insurance SE Lietuvos filialas

ERGO Insurance SE Lietuvos filialas, JSC

We are part of the international ERGO group "ERGO Group AG", which is represented in more than 26 countries in Europe and Asia. About 37,000 employees work in the group. The group's annual contributio...
Kauno valstybinis muzikinis teatras

Kauno valstybinis muzikinis teatras, VSĮ

Kaunas State Musical Theater is a budgetary institution that organizes the creation of musical stage art and its public performance. The functions of the founder of the theater are performed by the M...
Bentley Systems Europe B. V. Filialas

Bentley Systems Europe B. V. Filialas, JSC

For over 36 years, government agencies have relied on Bentley’s innovative solutions to advance the way they design, construct, operate and maintain the nation’s infrastructure and public facilities. ...
Energijos skirstymo operatorius | ESO

Energijos skirstymo operatorius | ESO, SC

Energy Distribution Operator (ESO for short), which is managed by the state capital Ignitis grupė, distributes electricity and gas and maintains distribution networks so that they are reliable and eff...
Alytaus Profesinio Rengimo Centras

Alytaus Profesinio Rengimo Centras, PE

Alytus Vocational Training Center, Alytus PRC is a state educational institution that provides initial and continuing professional training, located at Putinai str. 40, Alytus. School type - vocationa...
Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra

Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra, PE

The central project management agency is responsible for the administration of programs and projects financed by the European Union, various international institutions, the state, and other funds in L...
Vytautas mineral SPA | SPA Birštonas

Vytautas mineral SPA | SPA Birštonas, JSC

"Vytautas Mineral SPA" is the only spa house of special minerals in the Baltic region, inviting you to enrich your health with the exclusive minerals of the "Sofija" spring at every step. This is not ...
112 | Bendrasis pagalbos centras (BPC)

112 | Bendrasis pagalbos centras (BPC)

112 is a common contact number throughout the European Union and beyond to report an emergency or sudden threat and to call emergency services such as the police, fire brigade and ambulance. It is fre...
Abromiškių reabilitacijos ligoninė

Abromiškių reabilitacijos ligoninė, PE

The public institution Abromiškiu Rehabilitation Hospital is a republican public personal health care institution of the national health system of Lithuania, licensed by the State Accreditation Servic...
Western Union Processing Lithuania

Western Union Processing Lithuania, JSC

The Western Union Company - a US financial services and information technology company that provides payment services to residents and businesses in more than 510,000 physical locations in 200 countri...
Mistertango | Secure Nordic Payments

Mistertango | Secure Nordic Payments, JSC

At Mistertango, we provide fast, affordable, secure and regulated international payment services. We specialize in the administration of business transactions throughout the Eurozone, but we also have...
Valstybinė augalininkystės tarnyba

Valstybinė augalininkystės tarnyba, SE

Plant reproductive material Registration of plant protection products Agrochemistry Plant varieties Research on the quality of crop products Phytosanitary
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