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Home Companies Koncertinė įstaiga Lietuvos nacionalinė filharmonija, PE Reviews about Koncertinė įstaiga Lietuvos nacionalinė filharmonija, PE
Koncertinė įstaiga Lietuvos nacionalinė filharmonija

Reviews about Koncertinė įstaiga Lietuvos nacionalinė filharmonija, PE

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Lithuanian National Philharmonic (LNF) - 1940 the country's largest concert institution was founded, for which in 1998 in July, the status of a national cultural institution was granted (the founder is the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania; the legal form is a state budgetary institution). The mission of LNF is to foster Lithuanian musical culture and the art of music performers, to introduce listeners to Lithuanian and foreign classical and contemporary music, ensuring the high artistic quality of soloists and ensembles. Compilation and presentation of music programs in Lithuania and abroad, promotion of Lithuanian composers and performers are among the most important strategic goals of the concert institution Lithuanian National Philharmonic.

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Rūta Prusevičienė

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exp. 13 d. 2024-09-02

VOODOO talentų atrankų ir galvų medžioklės agentūros klientas – viena iš nedaugelio kompanijų Baltijos šalyse, turinčių ilgametę darbo patirtį gyvybės mokslų, farmacijos, maisto ir gėrimų gamybos srit...

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Great Britain
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exp. 23 d. 2024-09-02
exp. 23 d.

The client of VOODOO recruitment and headhunting agency is biotechnology company, which is a leading company in the Baltic countries with many years of experience in life sciences, pharmaceutical, foo...

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