Reviews about employers: complaints, ratings
Total: 260789

Nacionalinis maisto ir veterinarijos rizikos vertinimo institutas, SE
The National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute (hereinafter - the Institute) is an institution under and accountable to the State Food and Veterinary Service.
The Institute carries out th...

Jonavos r. Ruklos Jono Stanislausko mokykla-daugiafunkcis centras
Rukla Jonas Stanislauskas School-Multifunctional Center is a full-time, self-study general education school in Rukla, Laumės St. 8, offering primary, basic, secondary and additional education programs...

Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybės Jono Lankučio viešoji biblioteka
The origins of the history of the Gargždai Library date back to the 19th century. The first knowledge about libraries and the spread of books in Gargždai is associated with the owner of the Gargždai M...

Priešgaisrinės apsaugos ir gelbėjimo departamentas prie LR VRM
Lietuvos ugniagesių įstaiga, įgyvendinanti valstybės politiką priešgaisrinės bei civilinės saugos ir gelbėjimo darbų srityse.

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto ligoninė Kauno klinikos
Kaunas Klinikos Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is the largest medical institution in Lithuania, which started operating in 1940. This institution focuses on the latest diagno...

Viešbutis "Congress", viešbutis "Congress avenue" | Žaliasis tiltas, JSC
UAB "Žaliasis tiltas" is a company that has been operating successfully for more than 20 years, managing 2 four-star hotels in the very Old Town of Vilnius and providing accommodation, catering and co...

Vilniaus "Vilties" specialioji mokykla-daugiafunkcinis centras
In Viltis, the special educational needs of all children and special assistance in achieving each individual's achievements are the most important goal from the beginning of work to the present day. C...

Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdybos Kauno skyrius
The main function of the "Sodra" Board is to ensure the implementation of laws regulating state social insurance. The Board organizes mandatory and voluntary state social insurance, prepares and manag...

Marijampolės apskrities vyriausiasis policijos komisariatas, SE
Chief Police Commissariat of Marijampole County. To defend. To save. To help.

Viešojo saugumo tarnyba prie LR Vidaus reikalų ministerijos
THE PUBLIC SECURITY SERVICE UNDER THE MINISTRY OF INTERIOR AFFAIRS (hereinafter referred to as the Public Security Service) is an institution of permanent special preparedness and, as one of the entit...

Palangos vaikų reabilitacijos sanatorija "Palangos gintaras", PE
Children from 1 to 18 years of age are treated in the sanatorium. Patients between 1 and 8 years of age or over 8 years of age, who are in need of care in accordance with the law, are treated in the s...

Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group SE Lietuvos filialas
Vienna Insurance Group - an international insurance group based in Vienna (Austria) since 1824 is one of the leading insurance companies in Austria and the Central and Eastern European region. With ab...

TECHIN | Vilniaus technologijų ir inžinerijos mokymo centras, PE
The Vilnius technology training center merged with the Jerusalem labor market training center and on September 1, 2022. the new Vilnius Technology and Engineering Training Center (TECHIN) started its ...

Armalda, JSC
Savo veiklą pradėjome 1999 metais. Nūdien tai moderni aukštų kokybės standartų odontologijos klinika Vilniuje, atliekanti daugelį šiuolaikinės odontologijos procedūrų.
Nuo pat klinikos įkūrimo...

Šakių rajono Kudirkos Naumiesčio Vinco Kudirkos gimnazija
Kudirkos Naumiesčio Vinco Kudirkos gimnazija – dieninė, savarankiško mokymosi bendrojo lavinimo mokykla Šakių raj., Kudirkos Naumiestyje, Vytauto g. 44, vykdanti pagrindinio, vidurinio ir papildomos u...

Nacionalinė visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros laboratorija, SE
The state budgetary institution National Public Health Care Laboratory (NVSPL) was established in 2003. July 10
NVSPL provides quality health care services by performing laboratory tests, evaluations...

Panevėžio apskrities vyriausiasis policijos komisariatas
The Panevėžys County Police Headquarters is responsible for ensuring public order and the safety of residents, detecting and investigating criminal activities, and overseeing traffic safety in the Pan...

Lietuvos Respublikos ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerija, SE
The Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania is the Ministry of the Government of Lithuania that manages the country's economy and innovations. It is headed by a minister who is...

Ž | Nacionalinis Socialinės Integracijos Institutas, PE
The National Institute of Social Integration (in short - Ž is an organization that develops and applies social innovations that help integrate people from various vulnerable social groups in ...

Klaipėdos Ernesto Galvanausko profesinio mokymo centras, PE
Since 2016 December 20 the center was given a new name - Klaipėda Ernest Galvanauskas Vocational Training Center. The center provides initial and continuing vocational training, vocational rehabilitat...

Tauragės apskrities vyriausiasis policijos komisariatas, SE
Tauragė County Chief Police Commissariat. To defend. To Save. To help.