Revolut Ltd. is a financial technology company, an electronic money institution registered and regulated in the United Kingdom. It operates in the European Union and the European Economic Area through subsidiary companies "Revolut Bank" (bank) and "Revolut Securities" (financial brokerage company) registered in Lithuania. The most valuable startup in the UK, valued at 33 billion US dollars, and at the same time one of the largest unicorns in the world.
About company
Banks, credit services
6013 € (on paper, GROSS)
Job Listings
The company currently has no active job postings. Below are other relevant job postings.
Business Development Manager
remote workThe client of VOODOO recruitment and headhunting agency is biotechnology company, which is a leading company in the Baltic countries with many years of experience in life sciences, pharmaceutical, foo...
„Voodoo“ personalo paieškos ir atrankos agentūros klientė – logistikos įmonė, gyvuojanti ir sėkmingai vykdanti veiklą daugiau nei 10 metų. Įmonė teikia vietinius ir tarptautinius dalinių krovinių perv...
Audito darbo grupės vadovas (-ė)
remote work 100%"Voodoo" klientė - jauna ir sparčiai auganti audito, apskaitos, mokesčių ir teisės, turto ir verslo vertinimo bei finansų/verslo konsultacijų įmonė, kryptingai orientuota į darbo kokybę bei aukštos p...