Reviews about "Revolut Bank", JSC
Claim this company listingRevolut Ltd. is a financial technology company, an electronic money institution registered and regulated in the United Kingdom. It operates in the European Union and the European Economic Area through subsidiary companies "Revolut Bank" (bank) and "Revolut Securities" (financial brokerage company) registered in Lithuania. The most valuable startup in the UK, valued at 33 billion US dollars, and at the same time one of the largest unicorns in the world.
Reviews about "Revolut Bank", JSC company: complaints, ratings
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Metalo konstrukcijų ir gelžbetonio elementų montavimas Daugiasluoksnių plokščių montavimas Laikančiojo stogo pakloto montavimas
Wasabi sushi darbui Vilniuje ieško klientų aptarnavimo operatoriaus. 2-3 d per savaitę. Priimame tik pilnamečius. Lietuvių kalba privaloma CV su motyvaciniu laišku parašytu dirbtinio intelekto pagalb...
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