Currently, according to SODRA data, 690 are employed at LMTA | Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija, PE.
Employment history
2025-02 were employees (insured): 690
2025-01 were employees (insured): 692
2024-12 were employees (insured): 694
2024-11 were employees (insured): 698
2024-10 were employees (insured): 695
2024-09 were employees (insured): 677
2024-08 were employees (insured): 498
2024-07 were employees (insured): 498
2024-06 were employees (insured): 700
2024-05 were employees (insured): 693
2024-04 were employees (insured): 691
2024-03 were employees (insured): 689
2024-02 were employees (insured): 692
2024-01 were employees (insured): 706
2023-12 were employees (insured): 711
2023-11 were employees (insured): 708
2023-10 were employees (insured): 696
2023-09 were employees (insured): 682
2023-08 were employees (insured): 456
2023-07 were employees (insured): 459
2023-06 were employees (insured): 672
2023-05 were employees (insured): 676
2023-04 were employees (insured): 679
2023-03 were employees (insured): 680
Job Listings
The company currently has no active job postings. Below are other relevant job postings.
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