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Praktikantas (ė) marketingo skyriuje

Job description

Dirbsite su platformos komunikacija ir marketingu. Kursite turinį, idėjas, dirbsite su skaitmenine rinkodara, socialiniais tinklais.


Marketingo arba komunikacijos išsilavinimas;
Noras mokytis ir tobulėti;
Siekis save sieti su marketingu, rinkodara, reklama;
Kūrybiškas mąstymas, platus rinkos suvokimas.

Required languages

Writing: Advanced
Speaking: Advanced
Understanding: Advanced
Writing: Fluent
Speaking: Fluent
Understanding: Fluent


Galimybę išmokti daug paslapčių kaip veikia digital rinka;
Galimybę prisidėti prie produkto komunikacijos;
Galimybę įgyti marketingo, komunikacijos žinių iš rinkos profesionalų;
Praktikos ofiso vietą - Vilniaus centrinėje dalyje su įkvepiančiais vaizdais - Savanorių pr. 1

Company (Fortune IT), JSC
Salary Neapmokamas darbas
Area of ​​work Advertising, advertising services,
City Vilnius
Location Savanorių pr. 1, Vilnius
Work hours Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 16:00
2021-08-20 16:56:05
Valid until 2024-12-14


Required competences


Saulius Vanagas

17 y.


Workplace photos (Fortune IT) is already the second project of JSC "Fortune IT" company. After the successful launch of the project, it's time to devote more time to staff decisions and online job ads and proposals. The LoveJob platform is for those who are looking for new job opportunities or have exclusive job offers in the market. The platform has a unique opportunity to find employees and employers based on overlapping values and competencies.

#2889 #23388 #11752 #672
Company (Fortune IT), JSC
Salary Neapmokamas darbas
Area of ​​work Advertising, advertising services,
City Vilnius
Location Savanorių pr. 1, Vilnius
Work hours Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 16:00
2021-08-20 16:56:05
Valid until 2024-12-14 (Fortune IT) is already the second project of JSC "Fortune IT" company. After the successful launch of the project, it's time to devote more time to staff decisions and online job ads and proposals. The LoveJob platform is for those who are looking for new job opportunities or have exclusive job offers in the market. The platform has a unique opportunity to find employees and employers based on overlapping values and competencies.

#2889 #23388 #11752 #672

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Praktikantas (ė) marketingo skyriuje
Advertising, advertising services
From: 0 0 Eur (After taxes, net)
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