4 years ago
Perhaps each of us, at some point in our lives, are faced with a situation where it seems that we want to throw everything away, shut the door and never come back. Sometimes such desires can be triggered by fatigue, a stressful situation or any other irritant that occurs in an untimely manner. We are faced with stressful situations in the vast majority of jobs. But how to understand that this is not just a temporary situation, and what you are expiere actually harms emotional and psychological health? If you feel increasingly unhappy every day at your work place and the problems are long-standing and fundamentally unchanging, it is a signal that something needs to be done. Of course, before making decisions, you should first rest and think everything over with a "fresh" head. If you have the opportunity, take a few days or a week of vacation, go to nature, take up a hobby or engage in other activities you enjoy. Distance yourself from work or any irritants associated with it as much as possible. If you have already rested and prepared to deal with this issue, start with isolatings and thinking over any problems caused by your job. In order to do that, we recommend that you first write down questions/statements that bother you, and try to answer them. Here are some examples:
1. Am I improving as an individual in this job?
2. What about my job motivates me to be a better employee?
3. Do I have the same values as the company?
4. Do I sincerely like my work, or do I count the time until the end of my workday and come in only because I have a responsibility to do so?
5. Do I still believe and trust my team?
6. Do I trust my manager?
7. Do I see my future in this company, do I want to grow with it?
8. Do I have the motivation to go to work, do I want to go back to work after the weekend?
9. Do I feel apathetic and tired not even half-way through the day?
10. Do I feel my job is prospective ?
11. Do I have enough opportunities to use and deepen my competences?
12. Do I have enough freedom?
13. Is the communication between me an my team always clear?
14. Do I feel appreciated?
15. Do I like my workplace?
16. Am I satisfied with the salary I receive?
17. Can I change something?
18. Should I change my current job?
19. If I leave (even to "nowhere") would I be happier?
20. Do I have enough savings to support myself while I look for another job?
After answering and thinking over these questions, you can hopefully see the main problems that cause dissatisfaction with your job. Some problems may disappear with a little bit of effort. Whether you see prospects or not, we still recommend talking to your manager. Perhaps with their help you will be able to solve some if not all of the problems that plague you. Of course it coulb be the other way round, the manager's apathy or lack of enthusiasm discussing these issues can be a confirmation to your doubt whether to change your job or not. Of course, it can also happen that the manager, trying to save the employee, will promise something that he will not be able to accomplish in the long term. So if it is not the first time that you have heard these promises, and the current situation is not changing for the nth time in a row, do not put too much trust into them this time. Yes, loyal employees are valued, but unfortunately to most companies workers are replaceable investments and if you feel that you are losing and sacrificing yourself in this job, it is better to stop and search for the job in which you would grow and would feel fulfilled. And for the company itself it would be more beneficial to find an employee who would be excited and enjoying the work than to employ someone who no longer has the motivation and desire to work. So separation can bring mutual benefit rather than sadness. It is also important to mention – if you experience violence (both psychological and physical), harassment or otherwise illegal behaviour – there can be no other thoughts – you need to change your job and report it to the authorities.
To finish off, don't be afraid of change if you feel you really need it. If you are looking for a new job, fill in your CV on our platform and discover the job you will love!