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Home Advices What do employers want from candidates? 5 future competencies.

What do employers want from candidates? 5 future competencies.

11 months ago

Jūratė Jurginytė, career & leadership couch | Prasmingi pokyčiai | 

Do you want to receive a promotion? Higher pay? Recognition? Create greater value in your organization. Professionals oriented towards future achievements utilize strategies that help increase their value creation and improve the financial situation:

1. Building a personal brand. Utilizing the opportunities provided by social networks, specialists in their field create high-quality content related to their activities and share it with their audience. As your visibility as a strong specialist grows, so does your ability to expand contacts and create new relationships for yourself and your organization.

2. Continuous learning and skill development. Never stop learning and seeking new skills – the world changes very quickly, so there is always something to learn. Be a leader in your field. Optimize your current skills and enhance your career with new opportunities for improvement.

3. Prioritizing personal growth. A strong specialist invests a lot of time and resources in their personal growth, which has a positive impact on all other areas of life. Reading books, seeking coaching, training – personal growth is a necessary path for a professional because it helps you become stronger in work activities that make you a valuable employee.

4. Your job is your business. Understanding and developing entrepreneurial thinking is one of the most effective ways to create added value and be appreciated. Such an approach includes everything: from not just doing what's assigned but taking initiative. Treat your job as if it were your own business, and do everything you can to expand it.

5. Setting growth-oriented goals. Short-term or long-term goals greatly contribute to your improvement. They can range from what you want to achieve this month to what you aspire to in the long term in your career.

You become more valuable when you make progress – and progress happens when you move forward towards clear goals. Such planning is one of the main keys in your value creation strategy. By applying these steps in your career, you will be ready to create quality value in your organizations.

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