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3 years ago

Probably every person who has studied is faced with a dilemma - to look for a job or try to survive from the available resources. Working during your studies can bring both good and bad experiences into your life. Some students do not want to continue being dependant on their parents, but they also do not want to sacrifice the quality of their studies. How to behave at such a crossroads? Most students think that during their studies it is necessary to work in jobs that are regarded as "student" jobs. In most cases, these jobs do not require much experience, they have flexible work schedules - they adapt to the employees' schedule, offer part-time work. On one side, it sounds great, of course, as long as you don’t have to face reality. Often, "student" jobs are quite physically and emotionally demanding, which can lead to fatigue and a decline in academic results. When looking for a job during your studies, you should first set your goals. For example, if you need money and the nature of the job is not important and you do not want to gain study related experience, you should choose a better-paying but less time-consuming job (for example, part-time jobs which offer half of the hours of full time). This will satisfy your need to earn, but you will not sacrifice your studies. If you are looking for a job only because you have free time and want to make good use of it, but you are not looking for an overly engaging job - we suggest looking for a quiet, stress-free job, if money is not so important for you in this situation, we suggest you try volunteering or practice. To better understand whether you need a job or not, we suggest you read the pros and cons during the study period:


• You will earn money;

• Develop your skills (for example - teamwork, communication, quick reactions, etc.)

• Learn to plan time effectively;

• You will gain work experience early;

• Expand the circle of acquaintances and friends;

• You will learn to manage your finances;

• You may discover the job of your dreams;

• You will gain an advantage over peers who do not have work experience;

• You will gain a greater sense of independence and self-confidence.


• You may be more distracted in your studies;

• You may experience more stress;

• You may experience a lack of concentration;

• You may not have time for other activities;

• The quality and grades of your studies may be affected.

If you have already decided that it is worth working and have found a job offer that you think is right, we suggest you answer the following questions:

1. Evaluate the quality of work. Is this work related to your future plans? Does it relate to your studies?

2. Will the employer have a flexible approach to your working hours? Will you have enough time to participate in your lectures and keep up with your studies?

3. Will the quality and timing of sleep not be affected by the combination of work and study?

4. Will a salary you receive be satisfying?

5. Won't work cause too much stress?

6. Will you be able to participate in exams, will you have time to prepare for them? In the end, if you’ve already decided you’re still looking for work - plan your time, keep track of your study and assessment schedules so you don’t have to do anything at the last minute.

Communicate sufficiently with your supervisor in a timely manner and adequately inform him or her of your schedule. Set priorities so that you don’t sacrifice your health and studies. Monitor your well-being and everything will be fine!

Job Listings

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