7 months ago
Financial stability is important to many people, so salary is one of the main factors when choosing a profession. Often, salaries by profession change significantly or slightly due to certain factors. First, supply and demand in the job market play an important role: if there is a shortage of specialists in a particular profession, their salaries usually rise. Second, the economic situation in the country also has an impact – as the economy and company profits grow, employee salaries can also increase. Third, technological progress and innovations can change the demand and value of certain professions in the market, which also affects salaries. Finally, the policies of trade unions and the government, such as minimum wage or labor laws, can have a direct impact on salary levels.
Each year, the best-paying jobs are ranked, and the results not only allow for comparing trends in various countries but also often influence career choices. Based on the average income data provided by "Sodra" in March 2024, we have compiled a list of the best-paying jobs in Lithuania:
1. Judges. Average monthly salary €6,514 before taxes.
2. Heads of finance and insurance services divisions. Average monthly salary €6,389 before taxes.
3. Air traffic controllers. Average monthly salary €5,547 before taxes.
4. Heads of information technology and communication services sectors. Average monthly salary €5,478 before taxes.
5. Specialist doctors. Average monthly salary €4,694 before taxes.
6. Software developers. Average monthly salary €4,521 before taxes.
7. Ship captains and pilots. Average monthly salary €4,412 before taxes.
8. Application developers. Average monthly salary €4,365 before taxes.
9. Aircraft pilots and related professionals. Average monthly salary €4,330 before taxes.
10. Legislators. Average monthly salary €4,078 before taxes.
The trends of the best-paying jobs in Lithuania often differ from global trends. Based on data from the "My Great Learning" website for 2024, a list of the best-paying jobs worldwide has been compiled:
1. Anesthesiologists. The average annual salary of these medical doctors is about €316,000 before taxes.
2. Surgeons. The salary varies depending on the field, but the average annual salary of surgeons is approximately €287,000 before taxes.
3. Psychiatrists. They earn an average of €226,000 annually before taxes.
4. Orthodontists. The average annual salary is €190,000 before taxes.
5. Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). The average annual salary of top company executives is €154,000 before taxes.
6. Nurse anesthetists. The average annual salary is €152,000 before taxes, slightly different from that of CEOs.
7. IT architects. IT architects, who play an important role in the company, earn an average of €138,000 annually before taxes.
8. Software architects. The average annual salary is about €129,000 before taxes.
9. Senior software engineers. The average annual salary is €119,000 before taxes.
10. Optometrists. The average annual salary is €112,000 before taxes.
It is evident that medical professionals earn the most and are the most valued worldwide, although the statistics in Lithuania are slightly different, with specialist doctors also having high salaries and expected to increase in the future. It can be concluded that in 2024, the highest-paying jobs in both Lithuania and worldwide overlap in the fields of IT specialists and software developers. It is likely that the trends in these mentioned fields will continue due to growing technological advancements and digitization worldwide.
Sodra data. Link:
"My Great Learning" article online. Link: