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Job description

Darbas gamybinėje įmonėje įrenginių priežiūros skyriuje
Įrenginių aptarnavimas, planinė priežiūra
Mechaninių gedimų šalinimas
Lankstus darbo grafikas


Aukštesnysis inžinerinis išsilavinimas (privalumas)
Darbo patirtis, susijusi su gamybos įrengimų priežiūra ir remontu
Tiksliosios mechanikos išmanymas
Gebėjimas savarankiškai priimti sprendimus, atsakingumas
Kompiuterinis raštingumas

Required languages

Writing: Advanced
Speaking: Advanced
Understanding: Advanced


Įdomų, atsakingą darbą šiuolaikiškoje įmonėje
Profesionalią komandą, orientuotą į įmonės tikslus
Suteikiame darbui visas reikalingas priemones ir įrankius
Draudimą nuo nelaimingų atsitikimų

Company Pelly Baltic, JSC
Salary 1300 - 1400 Eur After taxes, net

Performance based bonuses

Area of ​​work Production, Mechanics , Production , Industry
City Kaunas
Location S. Lozoraičio g. 19, Garliava, Kauno r.
2024-07-24 10:14:26
Valid until 2024-08-25
Pelly Baltic

UAB Pelly Baltic is one of the largest metal processing companies with 15 years of experience and develops and manufactures high-quality metal products for the furniture industry. The company belongs to the Swedish company Pelly Group. Our clients are well-known global furniture manufacturers with many years of experience. Currently, the company employs 165 employees who are characterized by professionalism and high qualification. The company successfully invests in advanced technologies, creates safe workplaces, and takes care of the well-being of employees.

#2922 #845 #1169 #511
Company Pelly Baltic, JSC
Salary 1300 - 1400 Eur After taxes, net

Performance based bonuses

Area of ​​work Production, Mechanics , Production , Industry
City Kaunas
Location S. Lozoraičio g. 19, Garliava, Kauno r.
2024-07-24 10:14:26
Valid until 2024-08-25
Pelly Baltic

UAB Pelly Baltic is one of the largest metal processing companies with 15 years of experience and develops and manufactures high-quality metal products for the furniture industry. The company belongs to the Swedish company Pelly Group. Our clients are well-known global furniture manufacturers with many years of experience. Currently, the company employs 165 employees who are characterized by professionalism and high qualification. The company successfully invests in advanced technologies, creates safe workplaces, and takes care of the well-being of employees.

#2922 #845 #1169 #511

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From: 1300 up to 1400 Eur (After taxes, net)
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