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Home Companies Sufleris, JSC
#3932 #16147 #13061 #658

Sufleris, JSC

At the moment, the average gross monthly salary in Sufleris is 1067 Eur.

Company manager

Beta Kondratenkaitė


Salary history

2024-12 average employee salary was: 1,073.00 €

2024-10 average employee salary was: 1,008.00 €

2024-09 average employee salary was: 1,025.00 €

2024-07 average employee salary was: 916.00 €

2024-06 average employee salary was: 911.00 €

2024-05 average employee salary was: 877.00 €

2024-04 average employee salary was: 835.00 €

2024-03 average employee salary was: 852.00 €

2024-02 average employee salary was: 876.00 €

2024-01 average employee salary was: 961.00 €

2023-12 average employee salary was: 953.00 €

2023-11 average employee salary was: 919.00 €

2023-10 average employee salary was: 871.00 €

2023-09 average employee salary was: 865.00 €

2023-08 average employee salary was: 793.00 €

2023-07 average employee salary was: 800.00 €

2023-06 average employee salary was: 746.00 €

2023-05 average employee salary was: 722.00 €

2023-04 average employee salary was: 661.00 €

2023-03 average employee salary was: 842.00 €

2023-02 average employee salary was: 706.00 €

2023-01 average employee salary was: 782.00 €

Company code 302478564
VAT code LT100006111613
Address A. Mickevičiaus g. 46-5, LT-44240, Kaunas
Pastrigo pardavimai

Job Listings

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2025-03-16 13:44:09