More than just sales: The company owns not only the Peek & Cloppenburg* stores, but also the men's clothing store ANSON'S and online stores in Germany, Austria, Poland and the Netherlands. The International Brands Company, which produces and sells its own brands, is involved in the Peek & Cloppenburg* products. These products create added value for the company's wide range of products. Other internal companies take over the Peek & Cloppenburg* value chain processes. Their main tasks are marketing, store design, logistics and IT.
About company
2023 € (on paper, GROSS)
22 806 399 €
2 943 487 €
Job Listings
The company currently has no active job postings. Below are other relevant job postings.
Elektros sistemų instaliavimo, gamybinių įrengimų profilaktikos darbai; Elektros ūkio priežiūra ir aptarnavimo darbai.
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remote work 100%"Voodoo" klientė - jauna ir sparčiai auganti audito, apskaitos, mokesčių ir teisės, turto ir verslo vertinimo bei finansų/verslo konsultacijų įmonė, kryptingai orientuota į darbo kokybę bei aukštos p...
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