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HR generalistė (as)

About the position

„Voodoo“ talentų paieškos / galvų medžioklės agentūros klientė – biofarmacinė įmonė, kurianti inovatyvias biologinių medicinos produktų technologijas klinikinei plėtrai ir didelės apimties gamybai. Įmonei plečiantis į komandą kviečiama (-as) prisijungti HR generalistė (as).

Job description

Įmonės dokumentų (raštų, įsakymų, sutarčių) rengimas, archyvavimas ir saugojimas;
Darbuotojų paieška, atranka, įdarbinimo klausimai;
Bendravimas su partneriais, jų paieška, santykių su partneriais kūrimas;
Visokeriopa pagalba vadovui ir jo pavestų užduočių vykdymas.


Aukštasis išsilavinimas medicinos, biotechnologijų, biofarmacijos srityse;
Panašaus darbo patirtis – didelis privalumas;
Gebėjimas valdyti daug užduočių vienu metu, analizuoti ir apibendrinti informaciją;
Gebėjimas puikiai komunikuoti lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis raštu ir žodžiu;
Patirtis darbe su darbuotojų paieškomis, atrankomis, įdarbinimu - didelis privalumas;
Savarankiškumas, atidumas, organizuotumas, kruopštumas;
Geri kompiuterinio raštingumo įgūdžiai.

Required languages

Writing: Fluent
Speaking: Fluent
Understanding: Fluent
Writing: Fluent
Speaking: Fluent
Understanding: Fluent


Karjeros galimybes nuolat augančioje įmonių grupėje;
Naujas kompetencijas ir žinias bei verslo pažintis;
Galimybę dirbti viename perpesktyviausių sektorių: biofarmacija, biotechnologijos.

Company (fortune it), JSC
Salary 1500 - 1800 Eur After taxes, net

Performance based bonuses

Area of ​​work Personnel Management, Administration, Secretarial services
City Vilnius
Work hours Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 17:00
2023-10-17 09:50:55
Valid until 2024-06-23


Required competences (fortune it)

VOODOO is a business consulting agency with four complementary areas of activity:
- Search, selection, headhunting of board members, managers of all levels, IT (programmers, etc.), sales, marketing, finance, production and other professionals;
- Sales, negotiation, customer service, leadership, management training (;
- Business consulting, audit of sales departments, reorganisation of departments, strategic sessions, preparation of strategies and assistance in implementation (;
- job search platform, where employees and employers can find each other based not only on standard criteria, but also on values.
VOODOO talent agency operates in the Lithuanian market. The agency has become one of the most famous agencies in Lithuania in a few years. The Agency's services are used by well-known Lithuanian and foreign capital companies that need high-quality and reliable solutions.

#2782 #23389 #11752 #681
Company (fortune it), JSC
Salary 1500 - 1800 Eur After taxes, net

Performance based bonuses

Area of ​​work Personnel Management, Administration, Secretarial services
City Vilnius
Work hours Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 17:00
2023-10-17 09:50:55
Valid until 2024-06-23 (fortune it)

VOODOO is a business consulting agency with four complementary areas of activity:
- Search, selection, headhunting of board members, managers of all levels, IT (programmers, etc.), sales, marketing, finance, production and other professionals;
- Sales, negotiation, customer service, leadership, management training (;
- Business consulting, audit of sales departments, reorganisation of departments, strategic sessions, preparation of strategies and assistance in implementation (;
- job search platform, where employees and employers can find each other based not only on standard criteria, but also on values.
VOODOO talent agency operates in the Lithuanian market. The agency has become one of the most famous agencies in Lithuania in a few years. The Agency's services are used by well-known Lithuanian and foreign capital companies that need high-quality and reliable solutions.

#2782 #23389 #11752 #681

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HR generalistė (as)
Personnel Management
From: 1500 up to 1800 Eur (After taxes, net)
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