Konstruktorius (ė) - vadybininkas (ė)
Job description
Darbas su AutoCad programa, gamybinių brėžinių ruošimas ir komunikacija su klientais;
Efektyvus bendradarbiavimas su pardavimų komanda;
Klientų, kolegų konsultavimas dizaino ir techniniais klausimais.
Aukštasis išsilavinimas (projektavimo, statybų inžinerija – privalumas);
Loginis mąstymas, nuoseklumas, atsakingumas;
Iniciatyvumas, greita reakcija, orientacija į rezultatus, puikūs bendravimo įgūdžiai.
Patirtis darbe su AutoCad programa brėžinių ruošime;
Orientacija į rezultatą;
Teigiamas požiūris ir darbo etika;
Gebėjimas skaityti techninius brėžinius;
Dėmesys detalėms;
Komandinio ir individualaus darbo įgūdžiai;
Būtinos geros anglų kalbos žinios raštu ir žodžiu (būtų privalumas).
Required languages
Darbą jaunatviškoje ir efektyvioje komandoje;
Konkurencingą darbo užmokestį;
Profesinius mokymus ir kvalifikacijos kėlimą;
Karjeros galimybes stabiliai augančioje įmonėje;
Motyvuojančias darbo sąlygas;
Visas socialines garantijas.
Performance based bonuses
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IMEDEKSA UAB is a successful family business that we started in 1999. While growing the business and developing production, we focused our sales efforts mainly on foreign markets. There we learned that a wooden house is not just a storage room for a lawnmower or a bicycle. There are thousands of areas of use for a wooden house - recreation, entertainment, hobby, business, sports, and many others - they are suitable wherever an ecologically clean, durable and inexpensive construction solution is needed. Demanding customers have helped us to create business systems focused on quality, reliability of supply and constant attention to the customer in the company over many years. Therefore, we know what we offer our customers in Lithuania as well - it is a quality product, manufactured, delivered and built on the agreed time. If quality and reliability are values for you - let us prove with your order that we really know how to provide it to you.
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IMEDEKSA UAB is a successful family business that we started in 1999. While growing the business and developing production, we focused our sales efforts mainly on foreign markets. There we learned that a wooden house is not just a storage room for a lawnmower or a bicycle. There are thousands of areas of use for a wooden house - recreation, entertainment, hobby, business, sports, and many others - they are suitable wherever an ecologically clean, durable and inexpensive construction solution is needed. Demanding customers have helped us to create business systems focused on quality, reliability of supply and constant attention to the customer in the company over many years. Therefore, we know what we offer our customers in Lithuania as well - it is a quality product, manufactured, delivered and built on the agreed time. If quality and reliability are values for you - let us prove with your order that we really know how to provide it to you.