Job description
Įvairių patalpų generalinis valymas; valymas po remonto; stiklinių pertvarų, langų, fasadų valymas; kiliminių dangų valymas-plovimas...
Lankstumas ir gebėjimas prisitaikyti prie besikeičiančių darbo sąlygų bei užduočių; komunikabilumas ir gebėjimas dirbti komandoje.
Required languages
Apmokymus darbo vietoje; į objektus pristatome įmonės automobilių, visas darbui būtinas priemones ir darbo aprangą; visada laiku mokamas darbo užmokamas darbo užmokestis ir priedai
Performance based bonuses
Thu: -
Wed: -
Th: -
Fri: -
Having started our activities in 2007 with a team of just two people, today we can be happy and proud that more than 200 professionals of "Shvara garantos" provide services to customers.
Our clients are high-level service recipients who understand that cheap services lead to unnecessary, time- and money-wasting problems that disrupt the company's work rhythm.
In order to ensure the smoothest possible service provision, we strive for the lowest possible staff turnover. We motivate team members with a reward that matches the quality of work, so our prices are a bit higher than the average in the market, but we consider this a competitive advantage, not a disadvantage.
More than 97% of our customers remain loyal and conclude long-term cooperation contracts. We are glad that during so many years of work, we have not yet had a termination of the contract due to inadequate quality!
We serve about 580 objects throughout Lithuania every day - business centers, offices, hotels, car showrooms, entertainment centers, car repair shops, warehouses, schools and kindergartens.
Performance based bonuses
Thu: -
Wed: -
Th: -
Fri: -
Having started our activities in 2007 with a team of just two people, today we can be happy and proud that more than 200 professionals of "Shvara garantos" provide services to customers.
Our clients are high-level service recipients who understand that cheap services lead to unnecessary, time- and money-wasting problems that disrupt the company's work rhythm.
In order to ensure the smoothest possible service provision, we strive for the lowest possible staff turnover. We motivate team members with a reward that matches the quality of work, so our prices are a bit higher than the average in the market, but we consider this a competitive advantage, not a disadvantage.
More than 97% of our customers remain loyal and conclude long-term cooperation contracts. We are glad that during so many years of work, we have not yet had a termination of the contract due to inadequate quality!
We serve about 580 objects throughout Lithuania every day - business centers, offices, hotels, car showrooms, entertainment centers, car repair shops, warehouses, schools and kindergartens.