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Aptarnavimo vadybininkas (-ė)

About the position

Apsaugos komanda aptarnavimo vadybininkė (administratorė) - ateinačių klientų pasitikimas, darbas su įeinančiais skambučiaus, korespondencijos administravimas.
Kviečiama (-as) prieijungti į Mūsų komandą

Job description

Kokias atsakomybes Tau patikėsime:
- Sklandaus darbo biure užtikrinimą bei tvarkos palaikymą;
- Įmonės dokumentacijos ir korespondecijos tvarkymą;
- Informacinių srautų valdymą;
- Dokumentų registravimą ir archyvavimą;
- Ir svarbiausia – geros atmosferos kūrimą!


Jei esi:
- Turintis (-i) patirties biuro administravimo srityje;
- Lengvai užmezgi kontaktą ir komunikuoji;
- Turintis (-i) patirtį dokumentų skaitmenizavime (būtų privalumas);
- Esi atsakingas (-a).


- Darbą su profesionalia ir draugiška komanda;
- Darbą su energingais ir palaikančiais vadovais;
- Dinamišką ir atsakingą poziciją;
- Galimybę augti įmonės viduje;
- Visas darbui reikalingas priemones.

Company Apsaugos komanda, JSC
Salary 850 - 1100 Eur After taxes, net
Area of ​​work Administration, Secretarial services, Administration, Secretarial services
City Vilnius
Location Žirmūnų g. 139
Work hours Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 15:45
2024-08-19 11:26:04
Valid until 2024-09-18


Required competences

Apsaugos komanda

APSAUGOS KOMANDA is one of the oldest and largest security services in Lithuania, with its own traditions and many years of experience.
Our strength is the loyal, energetic, hard-working, strictly ethical employees who work in the company, who protect our clients' residences, movable and immovable property every day and night, and protect them from criminal attacks on their lives or health.
APSAUGOS KOMANDA was the first in Lithuania to start protecting objects with technical means and, when the alarm was triggered, to send patrol groups. The experience accumulated over many years of activity and the company's future-oriented policy allow SECURITY TEAMS to create standards for private security services in Lithuania and provide its customers with the highest quality solutions.
The professionalism and reliability of the APSAUGOS KOMANDA is recognized by hundreds of clients, including the largest domestic and foreign companies, insurance companies, private companies and individuals.

#3490 #1695 #4674 #180

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Company Apsaugos komanda, JSC
Salary 850 - 1100 Eur After taxes, net
Area of ​​work Administration, Secretarial services, Administration, Secretarial services
City Vilnius
Location Žirmūnų g. 139
Work hours Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Th: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 15:45
2024-08-19 11:26:04
Valid until 2024-09-18
Apsaugos komanda

APSAUGOS KOMANDA is one of the oldest and largest security services in Lithuania, with its own traditions and many years of experience.
Our strength is the loyal, energetic, hard-working, strictly ethical employees who work in the company, who protect our clients' residences, movable and immovable property every day and night, and protect them from criminal attacks on their lives or health.
APSAUGOS KOMANDA was the first in Lithuania to start protecting objects with technical means and, when the alarm was triggered, to send patrol groups. The experience accumulated over many years of activity and the company's future-oriented policy allow SECURITY TEAMS to create standards for private security services in Lithuania and provide its customers with the highest quality solutions.
The professionalism and reliability of the APSAUGOS KOMANDA is recognized by hundreds of clients, including the largest domestic and foreign companies, insurance companies, private companies and individuals.

#3490 #1695 #4674 #180

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Aptarnavimo vadybininkas (-ė)
Administration, Secretarial services
From: 850 up to 1100 Eur (After taxes, net)

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