Reviews about IKI LIETUVA, JSC
Our success story began 29 years ago, when we opened the first IKI store, which was successful due to its exceptional range and high-quality products. Currently, IKI is the second largest retail chain in Lithuania with almost 230 stores in 75 Lithuanian cities. Palink is one of the largest employers in the country. We are 5,900 professionals who want our customers to return to our stores every day, where they would not only be pleasantly served, but also buy the highest quality goods at an attractive price. IKI belongs to the REWE group, one of the largest retail chains in Germany. The REWE Group currently operates in 22 European countries with more than 15,000 stores.
Reviews about IKI LIETUVA, JSC company: complaints, ratings
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Company evaluation
Additional benefits
Discounts for employees
Possibility to participate in courses, trainings
Team buildings
Ability to work remotely
Additional vacation days
Free snacks
Health insurance
Pet friendly environment
Financial bonuses
Business trips
Flexible working hours
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Job Listings
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Statybos darbų vadovas, - ė ( Vilnius, Kaunas )
remote work 20%• Organizuoti ir užtikrinti statybos darbų atlikimą pagal nustatytus terminus; • Koordinuoti ir kontroliuoti subrangovų darbų eigą; • Laikytis darbų vykdymo technologijų bei kokybės užtikrinimo / kont...