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Home Companies Bauwerk Group Lietuva | Boen, JSC Bauwerk Group Lietuva | Boen, JSC company manager Artūras Šūmakaris
Bauwerk Group Lietuva | Boen

Artūras Šūmakaris company manager

Company manager

Artūras Šūmakaris

Artūras Šūmakaris is Bauwerk Group Lietuva | Boen, JSC company manager.

is located at: Šiltnamių g. 6, Kareivonys, Kietaviškių sen., LT-21411, Elektrėnai, with 634 employee(-s) currently working in the company.

Average salary at the moment at this company is 2369 Eur/month (on paper, GROSS).

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