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Home Companies Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE company manager Nenurodyta
Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas"

Nenurodyta is Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE company manager.

Company manager


Nenurodyta is Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE company manager.

is located at: Klaipėda, Poilsio g. 10-32, LT-93197, with 2 employee(-s) currently working in the company. To see the change in employees, click here.

To see the detailed rating of company Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE, click here.

To see the company's Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE job listings, click here.

To see the contacts and detailed information of the company Vaikų ugdymo ir užimtumo studija "Peliukas Žiniukas", PE , click here.

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Job Listings

exp. 21 d. 2025-02-05

Our client is a reliable company providing car transportation services, which has been in the international car transportation market for 27 years. The company is well-established and well-known in Eu...

Transport, logistics, forwarding
From: 2000 up to 4000 Eur (After taxes, net)
exp. 21 d. 2025-02-05

Are you different? Do You like to be a leader and pursue maximum goals? Do You think You are not reaching your potential in the current team? Are You one of those who doesn’t count hours, not afraid t...

Personnel Management
Kijevas, Ukraina
Vilniaus str. 35 750
From: 750 up to 2500 Eur (After taxes, net)
exp. 1 d. 2025-01-16

"Voodoo" talentų paieškos ir atrankos agentūros klientė - viena pirmaujančių įmonių Baltijos šalyse, kurios pagrindinė veikla yra prekyba laboratorine, svėrimo įranga, elektroniniais komponentais, pra...

Sales, Sales Management
From: 1500 up to 2000 Eur (After taxes, net)
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