Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė is LIETUVOS NACIONALINIS RADIJAS IR TELEVIZIJA | LRT, PE company manager.
Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė
Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė is LIETUVOS NACIONALINIS RADIJAS IR TELEVIZIJA | LRT, PE company manager.
is located at: S. Konarskio g. 49, LT-03123, Vilnius, with 676 employee(-s) currently working in the company. To see the change in employees, click here.
Average salary at the moment at this company is 2998 Eur/month (on paper, GROSS). To see the monthly salary change of LIETUVOS NACIONALINIS RADIJAS IR TELEVIZIJA | LRT, PE, click here.
To see the detailed rating of company LIETUVOS NACIONALINIS RADIJAS IR TELEVIZIJA | LRT, PE, click here.
To see the company's LIETUVOS NACIONALINIS RADIJAS IR TELEVIZIJA | LRT, PE job listings, click here.
To see the contacts and detailed information of the company LIETUVOS NACIONALINIS RADIJAS IR TELEVIZIJA | LRT, PE , click here.
Job Listings
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