Currently, according to SODRA data, 1 are employed at Valauvis, JSC.
Employment history
2025-02 were employees (insured): 1
2025-01 were employees (insured): 1
2024-12 were employees (insured): 1
2024-11 were employees (insured): 1
2024-10 were employees (insured): 1
2024-09 were employees (insured): 1
2024-08 were employees (insured): 1
2024-07 were employees (insured): 1
2024-06 were employees (insured): 1
2024-05 were employees (insured): 1
2024-04 were employees (insured): 1
2024-02 were employees (insured): 1
2024-01 were employees (insured): 1
2023-12 were employees (insured): 1
2023-11 were employees (insured): 1
2023-10 were employees (insured): 1
2023-09 were employees (insured): 1
2023-08 were employees (insured): 1
2023-07 were employees (insured): 1
2023-06 were employees (insured): 1
2023-05 were employees (insured): 1
2023-04 were employees (insured): 1
Job Listings
The company currently has no active job postings. Below are other relevant job postings.
- Patarsi ir padėsi klientui (papasakosi apie prekių savybes, prekių panaudojimą praktikoje, kainų skirtumus. Padėsi atrasti norimas prekes parduotuvėje ir pan.); - Palaikysi tvarką prekių ekspozicijo...
Prie „DPD Lietuva“ siuntų pristatymo ekspertų komandos Kaune kviečiame prisijungti: ŠALTKALVĮ (-Ę) - ŪKVEDĮ (-Ę): Konvejerinių ir krovos įrenginių priežiūra/smulkūs remonto darbai; Darbas su elektro...
Mėgstate būti lyderiais ir siekti maksimalių tikslų? Manote, kad dabartinėje komandoje neišnaudojate viso savo potencialo? Esate iš tų, kurie neskaičiuoja valandų, nebijo skambinti, turėti video pokal...