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Home Companies Arvitra Baltic, JSC Reviews about Arvitra Baltic, JSC
Arvitra Baltic

Reviews about Arvitra Baltic, JSC

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Since 2000 our company sells technological and specialized equipment for professional kitchens. Our main customers are cafes, restaurants, hotels, schools, kindergartens, various state institutions, military canteens and other facilities that are any catering point.

Company manager

Andrzej Rawłuszewicz is evaluated badly 40% (1 review)

Company evaluation


Reviews about Arvitra Baltic, JSC company: complaints, ratings

Unconfirmed review
Unconfirmed review


Company values - does not know,   and - does not comply with them


Vyno penktadieniai. Lengva suderinti apsilankymus pas gydytojus ir panašiai. Niekada nevėluoja atlyginimai.


Toksiška aplinka, seksizmas, labai senamadiškos įmonės darbuotojų pažiūros. Vienas darbuotojas apkraunamas kelių žmonių krūviu, tačiau už tai neatlyginamas. Nėra galimybių tobulėti.

The company has not provided an answer

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Company evaluation

Career opportunities

Compatibility of work and personal life

New employee training process

The company's work culture and values

Company manager

Comment about the company manager

Trūksta noro tobulinti ir standartizuoti procesus, nesirūpina darbuotojais.

  • Discounts for employees

  • Ability to work remotely

  • Pet friendly environment

  • Financial bonuses

  • Additional vacation days

  • Free snacks

  • Possibility to participate in courses, trainings

  • Health insurance

  • Workation

  • Business trips

  • Flexible working hours

  • Team buildings

Company evaluation

Career opportunities
Compatibility of work and personal life
New employee training process
The company's work culture and values

Additional benefits

  • Discounts for employees

  • Ability to work remotely

  • Pet friendly environment

  • Financial bonuses

  • Additional vacation days

  • Free snacks

  • Possibility to participate in courses, trainings

  • Health insurance

  • Workation

  • Business trips

  • Flexible working hours

  • Team buildings

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