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Home Companies ENERGY GREEN, JSC
#2782 #661

The company is engaged in the design, production, installation and wholesale and retail trade of LED lights, LED strips, aluminum LED profiles and components for LED lighting solutions. The main goal of the company is to offer customers unique solutions in the fields of energy-saving lighting and protection of glass surfaces, which would create added value for the customer and protect the environment.

Company manager

Vytautas Judickas

About company

Main activity

Sales, Sales Management






2006 € (on paper, GROSS)

Turnover 2022 y.

2 385 636 €

Net profit 2022 y.

-12 145 €

Job Listings

The company currently has no active job postings. Below are other relevant job postings.

2024-08-04 1201 EUR
exp. 7 d. 2024-07-05

Ieškome labai aktyvaus pardavimų vadybininko (-ės), kuris (-i) beveik visą savo laiką praleistų bendraudamas (-a), susitikinėdamas (-a) su potencialiais klientais bei sudarydamas (-a) pardavimo sutart...

Sales, Sales Management
Islandijos pl. 217-11, Kaunas
From: 1201 up to 1525 Eur (After taxes, net)
View job postings
Company code 302497397
VAT code LT100005705611
Address Naujoji Riovonių g. 21B, LT-03156, Vilnius
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