We are one of the most experienced and qualified construction companies in Lithuania. Her in 1993 founded by Nikolai Kolesnik and Vladimir Pavliukovich. Together with 28 other colleagues from the "Kaunas statybos" installation board, they settled in small premises in Vilnius - Verkių street, and later moved to Visorių st. where Alvora is still based. The main feature of the company is the ability to perform not only general contracting work, but also to design and build thermal lines, main gas pipelines and boilers. During almost 30 years of activity, Alvora has implemented many projects, not only in Lithuania, but also in neighboring countries and the Republic of South Africa. in 2021 Alvora completed the GIPL gas connection with Poland, which is particularly important for Lithuania's energy independence. Currently, the company employs about 300 employees, from highly qualified designers and installers to highly experienced engineers and project managers.
About company
2645 € (on paper, GROSS)
23 843 086 €
280 552 €
Job Listings
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Voodoo talentų paieškos ir galvų medžioklės agentūros klientas - įmonė užimanti lyderiaujančias pozicijas generalinės statybų rangos veikloje. Ieškome patyrusio ir ambicingo konstruktyvo skyriaus vado...
Voodoo talentų paieškos ir galvų medžioklės agentūros klientas - įmonė užimanti lyderiaujančias pozicijas generalinės statybų rangos veikloje. Ieškome patyrusio ir ambicingo Statybos projektų vadovo (...