Vilniaus rajono savivaldybės administracijos Nemenčinės miesto seniūnija
Currently, according to SODRA data, 17 are employed at Vilniaus rajono savivaldybės administracijos Nemenčinės miesto seniūnija.
Employment history
2024-11 were employees (insured): 17
2024-10 were employees (insured): 19
2024-09 were employees (insured): 19
2024-08 were employees (insured): 19
2024-07 were employees (insured): 19
2024-06 were employees (insured): 19
2024-05 were employees (insured): 19
2024-04 were employees (insured): 17
2024-03 were employees (insured): 17
2024-02 were employees (insured): 17
2024-01 were employees (insured): 17
2023-12 were employees (insured): 17
2023-11 were employees (insured): 19
2023-10 were employees (insured): 19
2023-09 were employees (insured): 19
2023-08 were employees (insured): 19
2023-07 were employees (insured): 17
2023-06 were employees (insured): 17
2023-05 were employees (insured): 17
2023-04 were employees (insured): 17
2023-03 were employees (insured): 16
2023-02 were employees (insured): 16
2023-01 were employees (insured): 16
Job Listings
The company currently has no active job postings. Below are other relevant job postings.
Ieškoma administratorė 0,25, 0,5 arba 1 etatui. Grafikas gali būti derinamas su mokslais ar kitu darbu.
• armatūros rišimas; • klojinių surinkimas/ardymas; • betono liejimas; • vienpusių atraminių galvenų, rostverkų, sienų apibetonavimas; • kiti pavesti darbai.
"Voodoo" talentų paieškos ir atrankos agentūros klientė - viena pirmaujančių įmonių Baltijos šalyse, kurios pagrindinė veikla yra prekyba laboratorine, svėrimo įranga, elektroniniais komponentais, pra...