Alius Jankauskas is RK Medicus, JSC company manager.
Alius Jankauskas is evaluated very badly 20% (1 review)
Alius Jankauskas is RK Medicus, JSC company manager.
His rating is
This ranking is made up of 1 vote(-s) cast by former and current employees of the company.
is located at: Taikos pr. 112, LT-51160, Kaunas, with 41 employee(-s) currently working in the company. To see the change in employees, click here.
To see the detailed rating of company RK Medicus, JSC, click here.
To see the company's RK Medicus, JSC job listings, click here.
To see the contacts and detailed information of the company RK Medicus, JSC , click here.
Reviews about the company manager Alius Jankauskas
2024-04-08 18:59:51Įmonės vadovas kažkokia mistinė figūra.Slaugytojos jam visiškas nulis,su jomis nebendrauja ir nežino kas dirba.Klauso tik apkalbų ir rūpinasi tik įstaigos remontais.Atleido mane manęs net nematęs ir prisiklausęs pletkų. Džiaugiuosi ,kad jo nemačiau ir nebepamatysiu.Jis tik pinigus,,kala".
Job Listings
Project manager (projects funded by European Commission)
remote work 50%Voodoo's client is an innovative company specializing in dissemination, exploitation, communication, and healthcare consulting for EU-funded projects. They support academic and private sector partners...
"Voodoo" talentų paieškos ir atrankos agentūros klientė - viena pirmaujančių įmonių Baltijos šalyse, kurios pagrindinė veikla yra prekyba laboratorine, svėrimo įranga, elektroniniais komponentais, pra...
The client of VOODOO recruitment and headhunting agency is biotechnology company, which is a leading company in the Baltic countries with many years of experience in life sciences, pharmaceutical, foo...