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Home Companies Klaipėdos technologijų mokymo centras, PE
Klaipėdos technologijų mokymo centras
#2655 #466

Klaipėdos technologijų mokymo centras, PE

Klaipėdos technologijų mokymo centras

Klaipėda Technology Training Center is a state vocational training institution that provides initial and continuing professional training. MISSION OF KTMC: To create opportunities for young people to acquire professional qualifications that are in demand in the market. To provide basic and secondary education, developing the general abilities of students, necessary for work and continuing studies. VISION OF KTMC: An open, flexible, continuously learning organization, which bases its activities on high-quality principles, fosters a unique culture based on responsibility and trust, and provides opportunities for self-expression of each of its members. KTMC VALUES: • Responsibility – a responsible approach to work, the environment, high competence and professionalism. • Cooperation - learning together, helping each other to achieve high quality of services. • Flexibility – embracing innovation, lifelong learning, admitting mistakes and improving. • Creativity – the ability to come up with new ideas, to think independently, in a non-stereotypical way. • Respect - culture of communication and language, citizenship.

Company manager

Violeta Petrušienė

Company values

Responsibility Flexibility Creativity Respect

About company

Main activity

Education, culture, art






2110 € (on paper, GROSS)

Company code 190974424
Address Puodžių g. 10, 92127 Klaipėda

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