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UAB "Autokausta" is one of the largest construction, road construction, concrete and asphalt production companies operating in Lithuania.

Automatikos sistemos was registered in the register of legal entities in 2000. At the beginning of its operation, the company had only 2 employees, today it is one of the largest companies in Panevėžy...

ClassTrucks - part of Girteka Logistics group, the company with the largest trucks fleet in Europe. Here at ClassTrucks we excel in the provision of used trucks and semitrailers to all regions in the ...

Our business focus is on efficient land logistics services. The transportation of sea containers and international cargo is an activity of "Autovesta" that has been carried out for more than 13 years...

AV terminal, operates the largest and most modern car terminal in the Baltic States and is the market leader in local transportation.

Established in 2020, a constantly growing, promising, competent company that provides high-quality, wide-ranging logistics services. The company is guided by the principles of transparent business and...

SUSHI OUT - Vilniuje veikiantis sushi restoranų tinklas, klientus džiuginantis aukšta patiekalų ir aptarnavimo kokybe. Itin platų ir kruopščiai sudarytą meniu nuolat papildome specialiais pasiūlymais ...

Avion Express is a Lithuanian ACMI and aircraft rental operator headquartered in Vilnius. The company belongs to the global aviation and business group Avia Solutions Group.

We invest in employee training, with the help of experts and mobility, which is why we are one of the sales leaders in the categories of installed appliances, televisions and other products of a simil...

AVS provides various piping and steel structures manufacturing and installation services to various industries including shipbuilding, ship repair, and others all around Europe and Scandinavia. The he...

We manufacture devices and systems for collecting heat and water, data from accounting devices. Accounting devices are of several types: mechanical, electromagnetic and ultrasonic. In 1992, we were th...

THE LEADING PROVIDER OF COMPLEX ENGINEERING SERVICES For more than 20 years, we have been implementing automated solutions and systems, carrying out repairs of various mechanical, electrical and auto...

BAA Training is one of the leading independent aviation training providers in Europe, expanding globally. BAA Training is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, a leading aerospace services grou...

UAB BAIP – profesionali kritinės IT infrastruktūros paslaugų bendrovė, kurios veikla apima IT infrastruktūros strategijos ir architektūros sprendimus, jiems įgyvendinti reikalingos programinės bei kom...

Be vandens tiekimo ir nuotekų tvarkymo veiklos bendrovė augina žuvis, šildymo sezono metu tiekia šiluminę energiją Baisogalos mstl., Pakiršinio, Vainiūnų kaimų gyventojams ir įstaigoms, prižiūri daugi...

A reliable partner for all Buyers, focused on long-term relationships.

We think every day - no, not about furniture, but about our customers. We understand that we create comfort in their homes, so the most important thing for us is that our customers are happy. This ap...

Baldlitas UAB was founded in 2001 and began its production activities with the production of wooden shelves for basements and garages. During its existence, the company established itself in the produ...

UAB “Baltcosma” - perspektyvi ir auganti įmonė, turinti gilias žinias ir suvokimą apie tai, ko reikia kirpėjui, meistrui, stilistui - klientui. Beepro24 - erdvė, kurią renkasi profesionalai, norint...

BCT is an innovative company producing precision mechanical components. Our parts are used in the automotive, multi-purpose machine manufacturing, medical rehabilitation equipment and energy industrie...