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UAB "Baltic Agro" is one of the largest agricultural companies in Lithuania. Being part of the "Danish Agro" group, we provide Lithuanian farmers with the most modern services and products for agricul...

We are your reliable technological partner, helping to simplify complex business digitization processes. Our goal is an exceptional customer experience by receiving all IT solution development service...

Baltic Asset Management yra Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto plėtros asociacijos narė, išskirtinių nekilnojamojo turto projektų valdymo ir plėtojimo kompanija. Gerovę kuriame ne tik kompanijos vystomiems...

Baltic Champs, UAB is one of the largest mushroom growers and exporters in Europe, belonging to the "Auga group" group of companies, which develops sustainable and modern agriculture and is one of the...

Baltic Consol Line įmonė sėkmingai vykdo veiklą nuo 2012 m., kuriai pavyko iš LCL Import paslaugas teikiančios įmonės išaugti į Baltijos šalis iki tarptautinės įmonės, galinčios teikti plataus spektro...

We are BalticDiag - a company that specializes in service and industrial equipment, provides solutions for maintenance of commercial and specialized transport.

BALTIC EMPLOYEES has accumulated extensive experience in the field of personnel selection, search, and administration. The company's operating philosophy, based on precise, responsible, and financiall...

The main activity of UAB "Baltic fish export" is processing, freezing and packaging of white fish, as well as packaging of seafood. "Baltic fish export" processed, prepared and packaged fish products ...

UAB "Baltic Fleet Management" yra ideali vieta naujam kandidatui prisidėti prie organizacijos vystymo, įgyvendinti savo idėjas ir augti kartu su įmone. Jeigu ieškote realių karjeros galimybių , tai id...

The main activity of UAB "Baltic food partners" is the production of fish and fish products (salted, marinated, smoked fish, herring, surimi products in dressings and oil, seafood in dressings and oil...

Baltic Foot yra didmeninės prekybos įmonė, įkurta siekiant tiekti aukštos kokybės grožio ir sveikatos priemones specialistams, klinikoms ir salonams. Mūsų asortimentas apima profesionalią kosmetiką, ...

BGS is an international provider of ground handling, cargo and full-freight handling, aircraft fuelling, de-icing, NORDIC DINO aircraft washing robot, liquid ADR logistics and training services. BGS s...

UAB "Baltic Line" - 2006 a local and international freight forwarding and forwarding company was established, providing complex logistics services.

SANITEX grupei priklausanti UAB „Baltic Logistic Solutions" yra viena didžiausių ir stabiliausių logistikos įmonių Baltijos šalyse, siūlančių visapusiškas logistikos paslaugas visiems temperatūros rež...

Baltic Petroleum - a network of gas stations that has been successfully operating throughout Lithuania since 2000 and is constantly expanding, improving, and striving to offer its customers the best p...

UAB "Baltic System" savo veiklą pradėjo 2010 m. Esame patikima bei profesionali inžinerinių sistemų įrengimo ir montavimo paslaugas teikianti įmonė Lietuvoje. Tam, kad pasiektume išsikeltą tikslą, mes...

Logistics company providing cargo transportation and other logistics services. We will provide everything you need to make your business a success.

For 23 years, we have been working to deliver your cargo quickly, with quality and on time. Responsibility, flexible process management, adherence to agreements and vehicles and systems that meet the ...

We are an international company with branches in Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and Romania.

Founded in 1993, the Baltic-American Therapy and Surgery Clinic is not only one of the first, but also one of the leading private clinics in Lithuania. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in ...