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Unconfirmed review
Company values - does not know,   and - does not comply with them


grazus ofisas


nemandagus vadovas, taip pat nenori uzsiimti su naujais zmonemis mokina tai ka pati per 7m ismoko zodziu tragedija toks poziuris i zmones

The company has not provided an answer

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Compatibility of work and personal life

New employee training process

The company's work culture and values

Unconfirmed review
Unconfirmed review
Company values - does not know,   and - adheres to them


patogi lokacija


tie kas ten dirba ir siuloma alga , isnaudojami zmones

The company has not provided an answer

Do not recommend

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Company evaluation

Career opportunities

Compatibility of work and personal life

New employee training process

The company's work culture and values

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