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2024-08-09 900 EUR
exp. 12 d. 2024-07-10
LoveJob client

Mokate vokiečių kalbą? Norite dirbti iš bet kur? Šis darbo pasiūlymas būtent Jums. Nesvarbu ar esate studentas ar namų šeimininkė. Svarbu, kad galėtumėte dirbti bent 0.5 etato bendraujant su Vokieti...

Customer Service
Iš bet kurios lokacijos
From: 900 up to 1000 Eur (After taxes, net)
2024-08-09 2200 EUR
exp. 12 d. 2024-07-10
LoveJob client

Join the team at a trendy and vibrant restaurant located in the heart of Dubai. We offer a unique dining experience with a fusion of international cuisines and innovative cocktails in a chic and welco...

Food, restaurants, bars, cafes
Dubai Restaurant
From: 2200 up to 2500 Eur (After taxes, net)

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