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Home Companies Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP company manager Daniel Eric Zagreckas
Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika

Daniel Eric Zagreckas is Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP company manager.

Company manager

Daniel Eric Zagreckas

Daniel Eric Zagreckas is Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP company manager.

is located at: Brastos g. 10, LT-47184, Kaunas, with 41 employee(-s) currently working in the company. To see the change in employees, click here.

Average salary at the moment at this company is 850 Eur/month (on paper, GROSS). To see the monthly salary change of Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP, click here.

To see the detailed rating of company Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP, click here.

To see the company's Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP job listings, click here.

To see the contacts and detailed information of the company Sokrato clinica | Ąžuolyno medicinos klinika, SP , click here.

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