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Home Companies Marijos ir Jurgio Šlapelių Namas-Muziejus
#3711 #667

Marijos ir Jurgio Šlapelių Namas-Muziejus

Marijos ir Jurgio Šlapelių Namas-Muziejus
At the moment, the average gross monthly salary in Marijos ir Jurgio Šlapelių Namas-Muziejus is 1288 Eur.

Company manager

Jolanta Paškevičienė


Salary history

2024-12 average employee salary was: 3,046.00 €

2024-10 average employee salary was: 1,318.00 €

2024-09 average employee salary was: 1,251.00 €

2024-07 average employee salary was: 1,391.00 €

2024-06 average employee salary was: 1,327.00 €

2024-05 average employee salary was: 1,288.00 €

2024-04 average employee salary was: 1,322.00 €

2024-03 average employee salary was: 1,322.00 €

2024-02 average employee salary was: 1,338.00 €

2024-01 average employee salary was: 1,236.00 €

2023-12 average employee salary was: 2,498.00 €

2023-11 average employee salary was: 1,082.00 €

2023-10 average employee salary was: 1,228.00 €

2023-09 average employee salary was: 1,145.00 €

2023-08 average employee salary was: 1,170.00 €

2023-07 average employee salary was: 1,176.00 €

2023-06 average employee salary was: 2,198.00 €

2023-05 average employee salary was: 1,167.00 €

2023-04 average employee salary was: 1,166.00 €

2023-03 average employee salary was: 1,175.00 €

2023-02 average employee salary was: 1,164.00 €

2023-01 average employee salary was: 1,105.00 €

Company code 300110243
Address Pilies g. 40, LT-01123, Vilnius

Job Listings

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